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Fall Webinars Scheduled

Posted by on Aug 17, 2016 in Academics, Admissions, Application Tips | 0 comments

I’ve finally been able to set up our Fall 2016 Information Webinar Schedule. These helpful one hour webinars are listed with all our...

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Reading, reading, reading.. I never tire of reading your great stories!

Posted by on Mar 4, 2016 in Admissions, Application Tips | 0 comments

I’ve noticed that my blog posts come to an abrupt halt each year in February.  Apologies for that!  February is the busy month of reading...

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Admissions Webinar Series – Log in and Learn!

Posted by on Dec 1, 2015 in Admissions, Application Tips | 0 comments

Finally, with the help of a fabulous Graduate Assistant (and current student – thank you Sarah!) I have been able to create and...

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Maxwell on the Road – Fall 2015 Recruiting Events

Posted by on Aug 10, 2015 in Admissions, Application Tips | 0 comments

Each year our department participates in a number of activities – graduate fairs, virtual fairs, information sessions, admissions...

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Application Tip – the Resume as part of the graduate school application

Posted by on Dec 4, 2014 in Application Tips | 0 comments

Most graduate programs – especially those that are professionally oriented – will ask for a resume to be uploaded with your...

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Application Tip – Proofread, Proofread, Proofread!

Posted by on Dec 1, 2014 in Application Tips | 0 comments

Proofread, Proofread, Proofread! I cannot say it enough. I have read well over seven thousand applications for our graduate programs. It...

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