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Application Tip – the Resume as part of the graduate school application


The resume is an important part of your graduate application

Most graduate programs – especially those that are professionally oriented – will ask for a resume to be uploaded with your application.  When I read applications, I read the resume and personal statement first.  In doing so, I am looking for an overall profile of an applicant’s academic & professional background in preparation for our programs.  I am also looking to see what other interests they have, and what they do in their spare time, for fun and in their community.  While most of professionals early in their careers are encouraged to hold to a one page resume, the resume you submit with your graduate application does not have to hold to this dictate.  If you have been very active during your undergraduate studies or in your time outside of work, in activities directly relevant to your graduate study goals, these experiences should be included in the resume you submit for graduate study.  I am consistently surprised by applicants for our MA IR degree program who do not list critical international experience, or language skills on their resume.  Now, I am not giving you carte blanche to submit a 5+ page resume, but please do list relevant skills, experiences – even if volunteer – as they relate to your career interests. This will allow you the space, in that two page personal statement, to more directly share your story – your motivation for graduate study and a career in our field – without having to go into detail on past activities. Now those will be included in your newly expanded resume.

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