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Financing Maxwell – 2019-2020 Financial Aid Blog Series

Despite Cost – Americans Still Opting for Higher Education

Just at the point when earning a graduate degree has become increasingly more important for professional career advancement, the costs of attending a top-ranked quality program can seem incredibly daunting.  But a high quality program is within your reach!

This post introduces our 2019 – 2020 blog series:  Financing Maxwell.  It is not just our responsibility as a leading school of public policy, administration and international affairs to showcase our MPA and MA IR degree programs to prospective students, it is also now incumbent upon us to provide information on how students can manage the costs and finance study at our school.

Great Value for the Highest Quality

The Maxwell School is fortunate to benefit from many loyal alumni and friends who provide annual financial support to the funds that help our MPA and MA IR finance their studies. Given the condensed nature of our programs, and smaller recent class sizes, we are able to assist the majority of our students with merit-based financial aid. In the past two years between 75-80%* of our incoming students received merit based funding AND the average award is approximately 50% of tuition! While merit based assistance is competitive, and we have few awards that fully cover costs, we do our best to make our high quality Maxwell MPA and MA IR degrees affordable to the public service minded professionals who select to study here. The reasonable cost of living in Syracuse is just one more practical plus.

This series will highlight the many awards financially supporting Maxwell MPA and MA IR students in the campus-based programs at Syracuse University. We will showcase a number of internal merit based awards, fellowships, department scholarships, named awards and a variety of partnerships/matching awards.

And Applying Is Easy

Keeping our applicants in mind:  Our merit based awards application process is as easy as possible. Only a handful of fellowship awards actually require separate application for consideration. For all other funding, the applicant simply needs to check the box requesting financial aid consideration when filling out their application for graduate study.

So, keep an eye out of this space for more posts in our Financing Maxwell Series – Funding Graduate Study in PAIA at the Maxwell School.

Enjoy These Financing Maxwell Posts:

SU/Maxwell and Veteran Students and their Families (w/student profile, Dan Cordial)

Inaugural Palmer Fellowships in Social Policy (w/student profiles, Katherine Gibson & Haley Smith)

Snow Fellowships in Non-Profit Management (w/ student profile, Andrew Anguiano)

Financing Maxwell – ROI/Measuring the Value of a Degree  (w/Career Stats & new NASPAA survey data)

Graduate Assistantship Appointments (highlighting Maxwell alum, Molly Checksfiled)

Maxwell  – Rangel and Pickering Fellows (w/ student profile, Zerlina Bartholomew)

JETTA – Maxwell Partnerships Scholarship (w/alumni profile, Beth Gawne)

Robertson Foundation for Government Fellowship   (w/student profile, Annastasia Hirt)

Thankful Days (the many ways, financially & otherwise, that Maxwell Alumni support our School)


Federal Student Aid  – FAFSA
Student Loan Debt – Resources from

[*NOTE:  These #s are consistent for our US domestic as well as our international students.]




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