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Snow Fellowships in Non-profit Management w/Student Spotlight – Andrew Anguiano

Andrew Anguiano, current MPA student and Snow Fellow.

The Snow Fellowships in Non-Profit Management Support two MPA Students Committed to this Sector

In 1989 the John Ben Snow Foundation approached the MPA program at the Maxwell School with their concern that the best and brightest public serviced focused graduates of our program would not be able to remain in the non-profit sector after graduation because of student loan debt. A collaborative solution was found, and with the support of Syracuse University as well as generous support from the Snow Foundation, in 1990 the John Ben Snow Fellowship in Non-Profit Management was created.  In 1999, the Foundation added funding to support a second fellowship, the Vernon Snow Fellowship.  Since then two Non-Profit Fellows are selected each year.

The Snow Fellowships in Non-Profit Management provide a full (40 credit) tuition scholarship (underwritten by the University) as well as a stipend of (now) $15,000.  Snow Fellows also gain valuable experience through a mentoring-focused internship with the CNY Community Foundation over the fall and spring terms.  At the CNY Community Foundation, each fellow will work on tasks such as research, grant review and evaluation, community engagement, and logistics for the Leadership Classroom: a program for fostering grassroots leadership.

The Snow Fellowships provide a unique and comprehensive experience for the Fellows. They gain extensive academic and professional training requisite for today’s Non-Profit Management professionals AND full financial support for their studies in the #1 ranked Maxwell MPA program.  Since 1990, 49 Snow Fellows have graduated from SU/Maxwell’s MPA program. We welcomed the newest Fellows, Andrew Anguiano and Katherine Medina this past summer.  We sat down recently to discuss Andrew’s experience to date in the program:

Student Spotlight – Q & A with Andrew Anguiano

What is your program and concentration while at Maxwell?
Master of Public Administration in Non-Profit Management

[To date (beyond core courses) Andrew has taken or registered to take the following courses: Collaborative and Participatory Governance; Non-Profit Management; Public Administration and Law; Financial Management in Non-Profit Organizations; Managing Individual, Group & Systemic Conflict; and the Public Policy Process.]

What was your professional work experience before Maxwell?
After graduating from San Jose State University in 2014, I spent a year teaching in Nuevo Leon, Mexico, before returning to the USA in 2016. At that time, I began working at YWCA Silicon Valley as a Bilingual Advocate for survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, and human trafficking. I worked in that role for about two years before transitioning to community education and training, which has inspired my current interest in promoting positive masculinity and engaging men in violence prevention.

What does your ideal post-Maxwell career look like?
My ideal job immediately after Maxwell is a management role in a rape crisis center or violence prevention program working to engage men in violence prevention, with particular focus on the experiences of men of color. I intend to spent some time here on the East Coast before returning to my home in the Bay Area, where I hope to take these new experiences and knowledge to develop new violence prevention programs.

What has been your main takeaway from your time at Maxwell so far?
My main takeaway from Maxwell is that there’s power in a strong network. At Maxwell, there are numerous opportunities to engage visiting faculty or professionals on a variety of topics. These opportunities result in valuable information being shared, mentorships, and even job offers for students after graduation.

What would you say to anyone applying to Maxwell currently?
Maxwell is a very supportive and positive learning environment for anyone looking to grow personally and professionally. The peer cohort is ambitious and committed to public service, and professors truly care and are invested in their students. That’s something unique and special about the Maxwell experience.


TO APPLY:  The Snow Fellowships are provided to two incoming MPA (campus based) program students through a competitive selection process internally and in conjunction with the staff at the CNY Community Foundation.  

A separate letter of application is necessary. This letter should summarize the applicants background and interests in non-profit management and state their commitment to enter this field upon graduation. Please enclose a resume/curricula vita with the letter and address it to: The Snow Fellowship Selection Committee, c/o the Department of Public Administration and International Affairs, 215 Eggers Hall, Syracuse, NY 13244. You may include (upload) this letter with your application. Deadline for consideration is February 15.  


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