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Taking Advantage of All the Wonderful Speakers and Events

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Lectures and Symposia Provide Students an Exciting Environment for Learning, Sharing and Community Outside the Classroom

One of the most rewarding aspects about working on a college campus is being surrounded by smart people, talking about interesting AND important things. There is always so much going on around our school and across the campus, it is impossible to take advantage of it all. And like so many others, I get so focused on the work at hand that I don’t always pay attention to all that is happening around me.  I hurry through my day and often forget that I am part of this rich and diverse environment.  So, this year,  I have made myself a promise to slow down and make time for some of the wonderful speakers and events across the school and university.  Here is just a sampling of upcoming events.  I even have a couple marked down on my calendar to enjoy !

Friday, February 13
Does Citizenship Require Sacrifice? 
Maxwell School, State of Democracy Panel with faculty members:  Kristi Andersen (PSC), Walter Broadnax (PAIA), Tina Nabatchi (PAIA) and Robert Rubinstein (ANT).

Monday, February 3
Collin O’Mara (MPA, ’06)
President and CEO, National Wildlife Federation
Tanner Lecture Series on Ethics, Citizenship and Public Responsibility

Thursday February 26 – Friday, February 27
International Women’s Day Celebrations
Lecture (2/26):  Adapting the VA System to Women’s Health Care
Panel (2/27) Preparing for Service led by Deborah Alexander (’82 MSSc, ‘95PhD)
Lecture (2/27): Women in America’s Changing Military

With even more to look forward to next month!

Monday March 16
Biklen Landscape of Urban Education Lecture Series (SU School of Education)
“Youth, Media and Educational Justice: Cultivating Wellbeing Through Collaborative Inquiry” presented by Lalitha Vasudevan and Yolanda Sealy-Ruiz to discuss topics relative to restorative justice.

Thursday, March 19
Inaugural Paul Volker Lecture in Behavioral Economics
Hosted by Professor Len Burman, Volker Chair and featuring Robert Shiller. Robert Shiller is a Nobel Laureate, president elect of the American Economic Association (AEA), and head of the AEA working

Friday, March 20
Can the Banking System Regulate Itself?  Is Government Regulation an Improvement over Laissez Faire?
Louis A. Bantle Symposium on Business and Government Relations with Larry White
10:00 – Noon

The Politics of Inequality in the US
Maxwell School, State of Democracy Lecture and Panel Discussion.  Join us for a discussion on the consequences of income inequality on American Democracy.  Discussant, Martin Gilens with Maxwell faculty, Professors Spencer Piston (PSC), Christopher Faricy (PSC) and Amy Ellen Schwartz (PAIA/Econ).
4:00 – 5:30 pm

I know our students really appreciate the ability to engage with other students and faculty across all the departments of Maxwell and SU . The extensive and diverse lecture series, symposia and celebrations throughout the University add an extra dimension to their course of study and enhance their time at Syracuse University.

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