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Research in Maxwell’s PAIA Department Strong on all Measures

The research PAIA faculty conduct is not only cutting-edge, it is also well supported

The research PAIA faculty conduct is not only cutting-edge, it is also well supported

Faculty research funding is $2.5 million over three years.

During this period, Robert Bifulco, Thomas Dennison, and Amy Schwartz cumulatively received, via Maxwell’s Center for Policy Research, almost $1.3 million for 10 awards from funders such as Say Yes to Education, the NYS Health Foundation, and the National Institute of Health, while John McPeak was awarded nearly $300,000 for new projects from the Near East Foundation and IREX, and more than $500,000 from USAID for an ongoing project with Colorado State University, among test of the value of cutting-edge policy research is the external support it draws. In this respect, the faculty of Public Administration and International Affairs earns its reputation: Over the past three years, 25 PAIA-led projects were awarded $2.5 million in external funding.

Funding for new and ongoing interdisciplinary projects involving PAIA led by other Syracuse University collaborators totaled an additional $3.2 million dollars over the past three years, including two multi-million dollar awards from the National Science Foundation involving Peter Wilcoxen and Ines Mergel.



Reprinted from “The Oath”  News and Reports from the Public Administration Degree Program, SU, the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, (October 2015), written by Renee Gearhardt Levy.


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