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Professor David Van Slyke profiled in SU Magazine

David Van Slyke, Louis A. Bantle Chair in Business & Government Policy

David Van Slyke, Louis A. Bantle Chair in Business & Government Policy

Professor David Van Slyke was recently profiled in the SU Magazine. David has been with Syracuse University and the Department of Public Administration and International Affairs since 2004.  He was named the Louis A. Bantle Chair in Business and Government Policy last summer “in recognition of his leadership role at the school as well as for his innovative and widely recognized work in the field of government contracting and public private partnerships”.  Please see the full article here.

Van Slyke enjoys being at Syracuse because he appreciates the quality and ambitions of his students as well as the alumni and their commitment to public service. “I’m in a super department with strong leadership and colleagues who are committed to creating value through high-quality and relevant teaching and research,” he says. “This is an institution of inclusiveness, respect, and ambition—important attributes for success—and a great place to contribute and make a difference for our future.”

Professor Van Slyke teaches the MPA core course, Public Organizations & Management, an Executive EMPA core course in Project Management, and elective courses including Policy Implementation.  He also works with several PhD students. He was the recipient of the Birkhead-Burkhead Teaching Excellence Award and Professorship in 2006 and inducted as a Fellow in the National Academy of Public Administration in 2010.

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