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Peace, Security and Conflict at SU’s Maxwell School

Professor William Banks, Director, INSCT

Professor William Banks, Director, INSCT

Peace, Security and Conflict at the Maxwell School of Syracuse University

Did you know that Syracuse University’s Maxwell School is home to two of the leading research centers on Conflict, Security and Counterterrorism?  Each year dozens of students enrolled in our MPA and MA IR degree programs engage in the research, certificate programs, speakers’ series and other activities hosted by these research centers.

INSCT: Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism
With a vision of positively impacting security and counterterrorism law and policy throughout the world, INSCT draws upon the unparalleled expertise of its affiliated policy advisors, faculty, staff and associates in order to address key and evolving challenges in national and international security, counterterrorism, and post-conflict reconstruction and to prepare the next generation of security and counterterrorism policymakers and practitioners.

Both the Director and Deputy Director of INSCT are key faculty in the Department of Public Administration and International Affairs.

INSCT’s Director, William C. Banks is an internationally recognized authority in national security, counterterrorism, and international humanitarian and constitutional law.  By co-authoring the textbooks National Security Law and Counterterrorism Law, he has helped set the parameters for these fields of study.  Professor Banks is the Editor and Chief of the Journal of National Security Law & Policy.  He teaches courses on “National Security Law” and “Counterterrorism Law”.

Vice Admiral (ret.) Robert B. Murrett serves as the Deputy Director of INSCT and has had an exemplary career in military intelligence. Prior to joining the Maxwell faculty in 2011, he served as Vice Director for Intelligence on the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, Director of Naval Intelligence and Director of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency.  Professor Murrett teaches “US Intelligence Community: Governance and Practice”, “US Defense Strategy, Military Posture and Combat Operations”, as well as the capstone MPA course, “Executive Leadership”.

Certificate Options
Two Certificates of Advanced Study are available; Security Studies and Post-Conflict Reconstruction.  MPA and MA IR degree students can earn one of these within the parameters of their Master’s degree field of study.

As part of INSCT’s program on Security in the Middle East, graduate and law students have the opportunity to study abroad and experience first-hand the dynamic and enduring security challenges facing the region through the Carol Becker and Gerald B. Cramer Study Abroad Fellowships. Students participate in a three executive Counterterrorism Studies program at the Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) in Herzliya, Israel.  Both MPA and MA IR students can apply to this summer program.

INSCT Research and Projects
On-going research and projects include: new battlefields, old laws; security sector governance; lessons in the rule of law – Aghanistan and Iraq; Islam and international humanitarian law; cyber incidents of national significance; the rise of drones; and the global black spots project in conjunction with Maxwell’s Moynihan Institute of Global Affairs.

Alumni of Maxwell’s MPA and MA IR programs hold and have held these and similar positions related to this field of study:

Senior Intelligence Officer, Defense Intelligence Agency
Analyst, US Department of Defense
Research Assistant, International Institute for Counter-terrorism
Special Agent in Charge, Federal Bureau of Investigation
Policy Analyst, US Department of Homeland Security
Foreign Affairs Officer, Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, US Department of State
Analyst, National Security Agency
Policy Analyst, Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Deputy Director, Public Security Department, Hainan Provincial Government

Professor Tina Nabatchi  of PARCC

Professor Tina Nabatchi

PARCC: Program on the Advancement of Research on Conflict and Collaboration
PARCC is a multi-faceted, inter-disciplinary research center that advances both theory and practice in the fields of conflict and collaboration. Founded in 1986, it was initially known for its breakthrough work in conflict transformation, intractable conflicts, and identity conflicts in the international arena.  Its areas of interest and research have grown to include environmental conflicts, advocacy and activism, and collaborative governance.

PARCC Director, Catherine Gerard, is an adjunct faculty in the Department of Public Administration and International Affairs. She teaches “Managing Individual, Group and Systemic Conflict” and “Human Resources Management in the Public Sector”.  Tina Nabatchi, Associate Professor in the PAIA Department co-leads the Collaborative Governance research stream of PARCC.  She teaches a core MPA course, “Public Administration & Democracy” as well as “Collaborative and Participatory Governance”.  Professor Bruce Dayton co-leads the International and Intra-state Conflict research stream, and many MPA and MA IR students enroll in his courses, “Fundamentals of Conflict Studies”, and “Crisis Management” which examines leadership, cooperation, and conflict during times of crisis.

Certificate Options
Many students opt to earn a Certificate in Advanced Study in Conflict Resolution along with their MPA and MA IR degrees.  Others still complete mediation/facilitator trainings or get involved in other training and outreach programs operated by PARCC via the student run, Conflict Management Center.

PARCC Research and Projects
On-going research and projects include:  an analysis of transnational non-governmental organizations’ rights-based approaches; promoting reconciliation: peace-building through economic development in the Middle East; collaborative governance online:  how municipalities are doing more with less on second life; public deliberation and public action: assessing the impacts of deliberation on policy choices; the right to water, and environmental governance and conflict management in Belize.

Alumni of Maxwell’s MPA and MA IR degree programs hold and have held these and similar positions related to this field of study:

Program Coordinator, Education for Peace in Iraq
Africa Programme Co-coordinator, Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, South Africa
Deputy Town Administrator, Town of Brookline
Head of Delegation, Unit of Humanitarian Diplomacy, International Committee of the Red Cross
Deputy Director, Program Office, USAID in Baghdad
Conflict Resolution Specialist, US Environmental Protection Agency
Foreign Service Officer, US Department of State
Researcher, Institute for International Peace Studies, Notre Dame
Senior Officer for Program Management, National Democratic Institute
HR Manager, Director of Special Projects, Home Health Foundation

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