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New Teach For All Partnership & Expanded Teach For America Benefits

Maxwell MPA and MA IR graduate programs pleased to partner with Teach For All!

The mission of the Maxwell School is Public Service. We are pleased to newly partner with Teach For All and their partner organizations in honor of this joint mission of making the world a better place.  We have enjoyed for many years a partnership with Teach For America – and are pleased to expand this partnership to TFAll AND extend extra benefits to both Teach For America and Teach For All alumni.

The benefits of this partnership include:

Automatic Deferral to Participate in a TFAll/TFA program 

  • Any student admitted to Syracuse University Maxwell School’s Master of Public Administration (MPA)  and/or Master of Arts in International Relations (MA IR) programs will be granted a two-year deferral (upon written request) so that they might participate in a Teach For America or Teach For All partner organization.

Guaranteed Merit Based Financial Award $10,000 – Upon Admission

  • The Department of Public Administration and International Affairs of SU’s Maxwell School is pleased to recognize the public service commitment of Teach For America / Teach For All alumni with an automatic scholarship of (or equal to) $10,000 upon admission to either the MPA or MA IR degree programs.  TFA and TFAll alumni will also be eligible for other forms of department or university sponsored merit-based aid.

Teach For All‘s purpose is to develop a collective leadership to ensure all children have the opportunity to fulfill their potential. Every child is born with enormous potential.  But around the world, millions of children lack the education, support, and opportunity they need to thrive.  Teach For All is working to change this.

In the classroom, network teachers are helping their students develop into empowered leaders whose voices and actions will inspire lasting change.

Teach For America is a diverse network of leaders who confront educational inequity through teaching, and work with unwavering commitment from every sector of society to create a nation free from this injustice.

TFA is a national corps of leaders who commit to teaching in low-income schools, work to increase their students’ opportunities in life, and work toward systemic change across all sectors.


The Maxwell School’s PAIA department is pleased to partner with such stand out public service motivated organizations.  We are proud of the 40+ Maxwell/TFA and TFAll alumni out there continuing to make the world a better place! 

The Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs is Syracuse University’s home for innovative, interdisciplinary teaching and research in the social sciences, public policy and public administration. The Department of Public Administration and International Affairs is home to America’s leading graduate programs in public administration, policy and international affairs.  These professionally oriented master’s degree programs (MPA and MA International Relations) are offered alongside advanced scholarly degrees in the social sciences.  Executive Education options of each degree are also available.  Maxwell scholars and students conduct wide-ranging research through nine interdisciplinary research centers, each focused on a topical area within public affairs, such as social and economic policy, conflict and collaboration, public wellness, aging, energy and environment, national security, and regional studies, among others.

For more information on our Teach For All/Teach for America  partnerships and benefits, please contact Maxwell’s PAIA Director of Admission & Financial Aid, Christine Omolino, at

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