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New Summer Internship Option with Maxwell MPA

New 18-month MPA option provides the best of both:  Maxwell’s integrated skills building approach AND a traditional internship experience.

Introducing a New 18-month MPA option for students seeking all that Maxwell has to offer PLUS a traditional summer internship

As the recognized leader in public policy and administration graduate education, a hallmark of the Maxwell School’s MPA program is its 12-month calendar year format.  This intensive, cohesive,  community-building structure provides students with the skills, knowledge and network they will need to be successful professionals and engaged citizens serving the public good.

This structure has inspired Maxwell MPA faculty to make professional skill development an integral component of the courses they teach. They teach not only knowledge but incorporate the training our students need to develop critical skills for the professional work place (memo writing, economic and statistical analysis, group work, presentation/communication skills, budgeting, and project management, to name a few). By incorporating professional skills in the context of the course material, students are imbued with a more comprehensive understanding of the key concepts AND the skills necessary for their eventual career advancement.

And, this format works! The exceptionally strong career placement and advancement of our graduates and alumni attest to this.

So, if it works, why change it?
Well… we are not really changing it.   We fully expect that the majority of Maxwell MPA students will still complete the program in its original 12-month format.  But, we are enhancing our program by adding this new option.

Each year we see a subset of potential Maxwell MPA students who do not attend our program out of their sincere desire to engage in a professionally-focused summer internship.  They love Maxwell’s community based approach to education, and the practical skill development built into the program, though all courses including capstone workshop course, but they also desperately wish to have an immersive summer internship.

Beginning with this new incoming class, Maxwell MPA students can have both!

New 18-month Maxwell MPA:  We are pleased to promote the OPTION for students to complete the Maxwell MPA in a new 18-month format, whereby they can complete a summer internship, and then engage in their final capstone course experience over a final fall term.  Internships can be completed in federal agencies, state and local governments, non-profits/NGOs, international organizations, or in related private sector companies within the US or abroad. These internships build on the skills-based approach, already a hallmark of the 12-month MPA, and can focus on any of the eight MPA areas of study.

What is the program’s format?
All students will still begin the MPA program with the immersive summer start ( July 1, for this year) – and gain all the community building benefits of being part of a cohesive, diverse, engaged, and public service focused student body.

18-month Maxwell MPA, sample class schedule:

Summer I (July – August): 7 credits
PA Colloquium (core course, 1 credit)
Public Budgeting (core course, 3 credits)
Public Administration and Democracy (core course, 3 credits)

Fall I  (August – December): 12 credits
Introduction to Statistics (core course, 3 credits)
Economics Core Course (3 credits)
Management Core Course (3 credits)
Area of Study/Elective Course 1 (3 credits)

Spring I (January – May): 12 credits
Quantitative Analysis (core course, 3 credits)
Area of Study/Elective Course 2 (3 credits)
Area of Study/Elective Course 3 (3 credits)
Area of Study/Elective Course 4 (3 credits)

Summer II (May – August): 0 credits
Professional Public Service Related Internship
(If a student wishes to complete their internship for credit, they may move one of the Area of Study/Elective Courses from the Fall or Spring term of their initial year)

Fall II (August – December): 9 credits
MPA Workshop/Executive Leadership Combined Capstone Course (core course, 6 credits)
Area of Study/Elective Course 5 (3 credits)

When do I decide? 
Students do not have to decide between the 12-month or 18-month option at time of application.  All students can consider this pathway and will have until the end of the fall semester to determine which is the best fit for their individual needs and desires.

While we have always had a handful of students complete the Maxwell MPA over an 18-month format, the decision to dedicate faculty resources and formalize this option is very exciting for all of us. We are very happy to provide this option so we can continue to attract – and now enroll – even more dedicated, public service minded students and professionals to our student and school community! 

One Comment

  1. Wonderful idea. Love the way Maxwell continues to innovate and evolve its Public Administration program. It’s yet another reason why Maxwell is unparalleled. Best success with the incoming cohort and with the new format.

    Warmest Regards,
    Michael Turner MPA/IR 05/06

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