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Maxwell Hosts Undergraduate IR Scholars from throughout NYS for First Annual Forum on Contemporary Issues in International Affairs

Dr. Mehrzad Boroujerdi spoke on the "Syrian Crisis: Is there an end in sight?"

Dr. Mehrzad Boroujerdi spoke on the “Syrian Crisis: Is there an end in sight?”

On Friday, we were pleased to host 20 of the best and the brightest young International Affairs Scholars from seven colleges throughout New York State for a compelling forum on the worlds most pressing issues in International Affairs. It was a stimulating afternoon that only served to showcase the complexity of issues facing the US and the world and the need for talented, skilled and dedicated leaders to face these challenges!

Upon the recommendation of their faculty advisors – via a nomination process – students (from their sophomore year to their senior year) joined us from Cazenovia College, Cornell University, Hamilton College, Hobart – Williams Smith Colleges, Nazareth College, our own Syracuse University and SUNY Oswego.  Each faculty was able to identify the top 3-5 students who would most benefit from participation in this event.

After a relaxing lunch and welcomes from the Department Chair, Robert Bifulco and Vice Chair, Catherine Bertini, students had the chance to hear from our faculty on the following topics and participate in Q&A.  Their inquisitiveness and thoughtful questions did not disappoint and we were all impressed at the high level of thoughtful engagement throughout the afternoon.

First Annual Maxwell School Forum on Contemporary Issues in International Affairs
Friday, January 27th, 2017
Maxwell 204

1:00     Lecture I: “Syrian Crisis:  Is there an end in sight?”
Dr. Mehrzad Boroujerdi, Professor and Chair, Political Science

1:45     Lecture II: America’s Role in the World”
Dr. James Steinberg, University Professor, Political Science, International Affairs, and Law

2:30     Lecture III:  “Challenges Facing The New Leadership of the United Nations”
Catherine Bertini, Professor of Practice and Vice Chair, Public Administration and International Affairs

3:15     Lecture IV:  “International Security and Terrorism”
Renee deNevers, Associate Professor, Public Administration and International Affairs and Political Science

Each group of students was assigned a current Maxwell graduate student host to assist them with the logistics of their visit and to show them around the Maxwell-Eggers Complex at the end of the day.

We hope to expand this event to other universities and continue it annually (during the fall term moving forward). It was a lovely way to engage across universities in thoughtful exploration of ideas for making the world a better place.

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