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Maxwell Alumni – Making News and Staying Connected

Collin O'Mara, MPA 2006  (photo Danial Sato, the News Journal).

Collin O’Mara, MPA 2006
(photo Danial Sato, the News Journal).

Collin O’Mara, MPA’06, spoke in Professor Van Slyke’s policy implementation class yesterday via Skype. Per Professor Van Slyke – “He hit it out of the park” and the students really benefited from hearing from him.  Collin was only 28 when he was appointed Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control for the State of Delaware – just three years after he earned his MPA from Maxwell.  Van Slyke credits O’Mara, “He has often been referenced in the news on relevant policy issues because he’s as close as they come, especially at his age, to someone with excellent policy analytic skills and exceptional political skills”.

Collin just recently testified before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.  This Delaware Online article by Nicole Gaudiano, discusses his congressional testimony.  “The hearing focused on the cost of communities not being prepared for extreme weather and ways the federal government can make communities more resilient”.

Maxwell is always proud of our strong alumni network.  And Collin O’Mara is just one of many alumni that exemplifies this spirit of connection and community.  Even as he continues to rise in the public service ranks, Collin continues to speak to Professor Van Slyke’s Public Organizations and Management or Policy Implementation classes each year.

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