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John Yinger honored with 2017 Steven D. Gold Award from APPAM

Congratulations to Professor John Yinger, honored at annual APPAM Conference earlier this month.

Congratulations to Professor John Yinger!

Professor John Yinger was recently recognized by his peers at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) 2017 annual conference in Chicago.  He accepted the Steven D. Gold Award during the Presidential Address and Award Ceremony on Friday, November 3rd. (see video)

The Steven D. Gold Award is given annually in conjunction with the National Conference of State Legislatures, APPAM and the National Tax Association. It was established in 1997 in memory of Steven D. Gold, an active member in all three organizations, and who’s career and life was cut short by illness.  The Gold Award recognized a “person who has made significant contribution to public financial management in the fields of intergovernmental relations and state and local finance”.  John Yinger’s research focuses on racial and ethnic discrimination in housing and mortgage markets, as well as state and local public finance, particularly school finance.

John Yinger is the current Director of the Education Finance and Accountability Program (EFAP) housed within the Center for Policy Research (CPR) at the Maxwell School. He is the Associate Director of CPR.  The Center for Policy Research is the research home for faculty within Maxwell focusing on topics of:  Public Finance; Education Policy & Finance; Social Welfare, Poverty & Income Insecurity; Econometrics/Methodology; Health Studies; Urban and Regional Studies; and Energy/Environmental Policy.  Professor Yinger is a Trustee Professor of Public Administration and Economics. He has served on our faculty since 1985.  His new book, Housing and Commuting: The Theory of Urban Residential Structure is forthcoming.

At Maxwell, Professor Yinger teaches courses in State and Local Public Finance, Urban Economics and Urban Policy.


Congratulations to Raghav Puri, PhD (PA) student

Congratulations Raghav!
At the same conference, a third year Maxwell Doctoral Student (Public Administration), Mr. Raghav Puri received 3rd place honors for his Poster Session on Thursday evening. He presented original research entitled:  “Providing In-Kind Food Transfers to Low-Income Households in Urban India: Results from an Evaluation of Public Distribution Systems (PDS) in Chhattisgarh”.  (see video)

Raghav came to Maxwell for his PhD studies in 2014 after several years of work within the World Bank in India. He earned his MPP at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore in 2011. Professor Doug Wolf is his faculty mentor. His areas of research include Program Evaluation, Social Policy and specifically Development Policy.  He enjoys primary research and has volunteered over several summers as a field investigator for surveys of social protection programs in India.


APPAM’s Mission:  APPAM is an organization dedicated to improving public policy and management by fostering excellence in research analysis and education.  APPAM offers professional membership to individuals, organizations and students.  The Maxwell School is an institutional member of APPAM and many of our faculty are also members.  APPAM  offers student memberships to students interested in improving research in the fields of public policy analysis and management.

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