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Getting Ready for the first Admits!

Applications Season is Here!

…and the reading begins! 

Happy New Year – and here it is – admissions season again! It is always very exciting when we start to read applications for the coming year.  After a delayed start, we hope to get our first notices of admission out very soon.  We read weekly this time of year and as soon as we know, we like to share the good news with our admitted students.

We will be sending email notices of admission weekly – followed by a hard copy letter with more information so our admitted students can be as fully informed as possible while considering our offer. Much of this is already updated and posted to our Admitted Student Website.

We have planned four On-campus Admitted Student Visit Days (in March and April) and an event for admitted students scheduled at our home in Washington, DC on March 12.  We are also collecting information from our alumni for our Maxwell Alumni Coffee Chats program.  This program allows our admitted students to easily connect with our alumni in their area of the country or world.  The alumni simply post information on when and where to meet for coffee, and the admitted student can reach out directly to RSVP.  Each year Maxwell alumni from all over the world offer to share their experiences over coffee and we are very appreciative of their willingness to do so. It is a strong testament to the strength and diversity of our alumni network!

So, I’ll be posting as much as I am able, but I’ve got some reading ahead of me!

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