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Fall Recruiting Calendar – Planes, Trains and Automobiles!

Maxwell on the Road

Maxwell on the Road

After a few weeks break, and some much needed rest and relaxation away from the office, I am gearing up for some very exciting recruiting events. I have to say the next week and a half looks a tad daunting with all the modes of transportation I need to employ to cover 9 events in four states, the District of Columbia and even one out of the country in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  But getting out there to meet our prospective students is so wonderfully satisfying. To put faces with names and emails and to meet many others who had yet to find us previously  – that is why we go through all the hassles of travel, packing and unpacking each year.

Please take a minute to review our fall recruiting schedule and see if you can attend an event.  While we cannot get everywhere – we do try to get to a number of places across the US and in other countries each year.   We are proud partners with APSIA – the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs and for their events. You will see a few of our own events as well via the Diversity Alliance of Policy Schools –a travel group some of us formed a decade ago.  This coming travel has me in New York (twice), New Jersey, Washington, DC, Toronto and Philadelphia.  I also have some help from alumni and our leadership from our Maxwell in Washington programs covering events next Thursday and Friday on Capitol Hill, at Howard University and with the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.  Thankfully, we have the best alumni in the world!!  Safe travel all!

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