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A Message to Our Graduates… from Christine

Class of 2016 MPA Graduate Convocation - July 1, 2016

Class of 2016 MPA Graduate Convocation –
July 1, 2016

On Today, July 1, 2016, your graduation day..

There were flowers on my desk today when I arrived at work. No card. I do not know from where, nor from whom they came. But, thank you. They are beautiful. It may be just as easily that they belong to one of you. Your family brought them to you today to celebrate your success, and here you are with a vase of flowers, wondering how you can process down the center of the aisle of Hendrick Chapel, so they were put here for safe keeping. That is fine too. I am happy to enjoy their beauty, even if just for a short while. I feel that way about all of you too, now that I think of it.  I get to enjoy your collective beauty of spirit for this short while on your journey of making our world a better place, and I am the better for it.

Today is always my favorite day of the year. Not because you are all leaving (that is joke, you may laugh here).  But, because after all these years, I know what is coming up next.  Your families, loved ones, friends, and all of us here at Maxwell – the staff and faculty – we are all here today celebrating you today with an almost breathless anticipation of what is to come.  We are all just giddy with excitement as the collective good you are about to shower on the world. (I can just hear one or two faculty saying in my ear, Christine, I am not giddy! Excited for them, yes, but have never been giddy!).

But this future ahead of you – it is so profoundly perfect on so many levels and the impact you are going to have in communities all over the world, while its just staggering to imagine.   For those us who have been here a while, and have watched the professional impacts our graduates have had for generations, really  – we do not have to imagine. We know. We have seen.  We have this rare sneak peak into what is ahead for you. So, how can we not be happy, and proud and feel just truly blessed to play even a small role in this journey of yours.  Today, we celebrate you.  We celebrate what you have accomplished thus far, and all that you will go forth and accomplish.  We are glad you shared your beauty with us, even if for this short while. We are better for it. And as we return you back to your family, friends, loved ones and communities all over the world, we hope you all leave here, not less, but perhaps just a little bit better than when you arrived.

Congratulations Class of 2016 – May many blessings surround you all the days ahead.

Christine.. (Class of 1996 – yes it has really been 20 years of watching you and all who came before you do such good for our world – how humbled and truly blessed am I!)

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